Red Ryder Bb Gun Vs Airsoft

Red Ryder Bb Gun Vs Airsoft

So, you may take heard "airsoft gun" and "BB gun" used interchangeably, but are they really the aforementioned?

Certain, they both shoot projectiles that are called BBs and can function somewhat similarly, but that is where the parallels end.

Multicolor Aisoft BBs
Multicolor Airsoft BBs

Knowing the divergence between an airsoft gun and a BB gun isn't just important to make sure that you buy the right kind of gun–it also tin be a matter of avoiding serious injury or fifty-fifty death.

Let'southward dig a little deeper and look at the differences betwixt these two types of guns.

The History of BB Guns and Airsoft Guns

We know — you didn't come here to get a history lesson, but indulge me a little bit.

BB guns were created in the U.Due south. in 1886 and were originally leap piston-powered rifles that fired single shotgun pellets considering they were widely available. As BB guns continued to evolve, they moved from being largely made of wood to being manufactured from metal, similar to bodily firearms.

Mass production began in 1888 by the Daisy Manufacturing visitor, which is even so in performance and making BB guns today.

Daisy BB Gun
Daisy BB Gun

Airsoft guns, on the other hand, were created in the early 1970s in Japan. They were intended to be a way for gun enthusiasts to not only have their cake but eat information technology too since Japan's gun control laws were quite restrictive.

Originally, airsoft guns fired plastic pellets, were powered by green gas, and were used for target practice. Information technology was presently discovered that airsoft guns could exist safely used to burn down at other people without causing injury, and the game of airsoft as we know it was well on its way.

11. KWA M9 PTP Profile 3-2

It didn't have long for airsoft to brand its mode to the United Kingdom and the United States, and the 1980s saw a boom in popularity for airsoft. Manufacturers began designing airsoft guns for recreation, often imitating real firearms.

Every bit you can see, at that place are a few differences already, but let's have a closer await at some more of them.

What is the Difference Between Airsoft and BB Guns?

Airsoft guns and BB guns weren't designed for the same uses, so there are a number of things that gear up these ii autonomously.


One of the biggest differences between BB guns and airsoft guns is the ammunition they use. As we mentioned, both burn ammunition called Bbs, only they are non the same thing.

BB guns use lead or steel Bbs that measure most 4.3mm in diameter. Because of the ability of the gun, the weight of the ammo, and its modest size, BB guns tin can crusade severe injuries or even exist deadly.

Daisy Steel BBs
Daisy Steel Bulletin board system

Airsoft guns fire plastic Bbs, sometimes called airsoft pellets, that are 6mm in diameter. In improver to using larger, lighter ammo, airsoft guns also fire their rounds at a much slower velocity, and so they don't have nearly as much impact.

Crosman Elite Premier ASP512 Airsoft Ammunition
Crosman Elite Premier ASP512 Airsoft Ammunition


Both BB guns and airsoft guns are built for functioning, only the definition of functioning varies slightly. BB guns fire rounds at faster velocities (measured in feet per 2d, or FPS) than airsoft guns.

Mostly, airsoft guns fire rounds at less than 500 FPS, while BB Guns tin fire up to 550 FPS. At that place are some high-performance airsoft guns that can fire rounds at velocities beyond 500 FPS, simply the reason these guns aren't mortiferous is the difference in ammo used.

Steel or atomic number 82 Bulletin board system penetrate much better, so they cannot exist safely used to shoot at others. This is why BB guns are a pop pick for pest control, though.

Prairie Dog
Pest? Perhaps. Cute? Definitely


Airsoft guns are designed for target practice and playing the sport of airsoft, where players shoot at each other to eliminate opposing squad members. They also are sometimes used to train police enforcement and war machine units.

15. Krytac Trident SPR MKII Opposite Full Shot 2
Krytac Trident SPR MKII

BB guns are intended for target practice, as well as pest control and fifty-fifty hunting small game. More powerful BB guns can allow hunters to impale their prey without the loudness of using an actual firearm.


If you're shooting at something, you desire to hit it, apparently, and so it's no surprise that both forms of guns are pretty accurate. BB guns may have a bit of an advantage, though, since heavy metal Bulletin board system are less susceptible to environmental factors, similar wind, which can throw off accuracy.

BB guns dominate long-range shooting, only they cannot exist used up close, while airsoft guns can be.

Many airsoft guns use a hop-up arrangement that volition help put a spin on the BB. By putting a spin on the round, information technology'due south able to travel farther in a straight line (recollect the spiral you want when throwing a football). Tuning a new hop-up system tin can have a fleck of time, but one time you've got information technology working correct, y'all're expert to become!

An airsoft hop-up system


Airsoft guns are, by nature, much safer to apply than BB guns. Lower FPS rates and lighter ammo reduce an airsoft gun's power to penetrate a target, and then they bounce (somewhat) harmlessly off your target.

BB guns, even so, are never safety to burn at another person (or anything you lot aren't trying to impale, actually), and even a ricochet can take serious consequences. When shooting a BB gun, your backstop must exist able to stop a lead or steel BB.

Metal signs aren't a corking backstop, equally Ralphie's about to learn.

Even if airsoft is safer than BB guns, it'southward still not an excuse to exist reckless. Always wear eye protection, when effectually BB and airsoft guns — even if you lot aren't the one shooting.

Never fire airsoft guns at ranges less than 10 feet, and endeavor to avoid shooting opponents in the face, joints, cervix, and groin to prevent injury.

Airsoft BB wound
Y'all can still get injure…

In the Finish…

If you lot're looking to play war games with your buddies, airsoft guns are the way to go.

17. EMG SAI GRY Jailbreak Opposite Full
EMG SAI GRY Jailbreak

If yous're looking for a target gun, yous may want a BB gun, but airsoft guns as well shine in target practice and offering a lot of rubber advantages — especially for backyard and young shooters.

Have questions about airsoft guns or BB guns? Let us know in the comments! Want more info on BBs? Check out our commodity on the Types of Airsoft Bulletin board system.

Red Ryder Bb Gun Vs Airsoft

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