How to Change Barrels on Airsoft Gun

How to Change Barrels on Airsoft Gun

Accurate airsoft gun shoots the target

We all want more range and accurateness in situations when we spot a target that is inside our eye's reach but not in our gun'south reach. Having a good gun that can reach targets tin can mean win or lose and it is fun to hitting them before they get a chance to hit you, even they might take spotted you first. Gear really mean a lot but when you combine it with skill you have it all.

In this guide I will evidence you what you tin do to ameliorate the range and accurateness of your gun by introducing some techniques that y'all can utilise right at present and by mentioning inner parts and devices that your gun might need to unleash its total potential.

If your gun works good right now and you desire to increase its potential, and then this is the guide for you.

If your gun does not shoot properly (Bbs practise non go straight and bend also much at sides, BBs go diagonal…) considering some of the fundamentals are broken or misaligned then this is the guide you want to read instead.

This is a guide for everyone that desire to get advanced potential on their guns, thus the gun must already work usually. Sometimes people have a problem with their gun not shooting straight, bending at sides and so on, the trouble that must be fixed then lies in inner barrel, hop upwardly, BBs or gun'southward quality and I have mentioned the guide above where I have covered exactly that.

Now, We must first mention what upgrades are at that place on the market and which ones of those really work and you should consider. (I will primary focus on AEGs merely you can utilise the following on other guns as well).

If you lot liked this guide yous can also check my guide on how to increase the rate of burn because it is another useful stat on airsoft guns that make them superb!

Air compression is mandatory

At that place is no bespeak upgrading stuff on your airsoft gun before dealing with air compression. The quality of a gun means a lot here, therefore cheap guns often are not properly sealed and lots of air finds holes to escape through resulting with FPS inconsistency, reduced accuracy and range.

High-end guns are way better at this and this is a reason why y'all can often observe a 320 FPS gun outperforming 500 FPS guns with poor air compression and some other of import traits, FPS alone does not mean a lot.

The practiced thing is that you can fix the air compression on any gun and thus increase its performance. You can send your gun to someone with expertise for such upgrades or play with this and do it on your own.

Then, how does this work and why is it so important? The air is pushing the BB and it needs to go through many parts of a gun, on its way if at that place is any room for air to escape, information technology volition escape. Air behaves simply like liquid and when this happens the gun loses force per unit area that is supposed to project the BB out of barrel. Before the BB is found in an inner barrel, lots of air is already leaked and the gun simply does non operate at its total potential.

In order to fix this we need to determine where the air leaks, so we can amend the seal on those spots.

  1. The whole story begins in the piston area where the piston compresses the air with the help of the spring
  2. The air then flows through the cylinder head into the cylinder tube
  3. The cylinder head also connects with the air nozzle through a small metallic tube
  4. The air nozzle then connects with the Hop-up and this is the last critical indicate.

Now we know what are the critical points where the air may leak, we must somehow seal it at those spots but the seal may not be bad at all of those spots, so information technology is recommended to test it and thus save the time past fixing but the parts that are causing the air to leak.

Testing the vulnerable spots

Nosotros can examination the gearbox pinch by simply pushing the piston into the cylinder while placing a finger at the tiptop in guild to block the air escaping through its route in nozzle.

If you block the airflow and push the piston and feel the pressure that makes it difficult to push the piston through while the air is non leaking from anywhere, y'all know that your gun is properly sealed and the problem probably lies in hop-up unit.

The Hop-up tin not be tested using the mentioned technique but y'all tin test information technology with even easier method. Chrono the gun and detect the FPS variations between shots, any variation above v FPS indicates that there is room for comeback on your hop-up.

When you exam it this way, you first eliminate the odds of gearbox non being properly sealed and and then you move on simple chrono testing that gives you more information on the compression of hop-up. Simply going with chrono testing from very start volition measure the inconsistency but y'all volition not be able to say whether it comes from gearbox or hop up.

How to fix the pinch

The begin with this y'all need to bank check does your piston head take a o-band on it, if it does not you lot will have to replace the existing one with the new 1 that is a o-ring on it, and then this is the first upgrade that you should consider.

These condom rings will take intendance of sealing merely just if properly lubricated and so the next step is to lubricate information technology with something like silicone oil or similar groovy lubricants. Another affair that you should check is whether the o-ring connect well or exercise you need a wider one.

The cylinder head that fits the cylinder tube is besides sealed with o-rings.

The spot where the cylinder head connects with the air nozzle through a metal tube should besides have a o-ring for sealing, if it does not, considering maybe your gun does not have a metal tube with a o-ring on it but instead some other metal connectedness yous can replace this part with a tube that has a o-band included.

Whenever we talk about o-ring you need to ensure that it is properly lubricated and information technology does not have any impairment, if is is damaged you should simply replace it.

The spot where the air nozzle connects wit the hop-up requires a different approach just every bit it was a case with the testing information technology. You tin can not only lubricate the hop upward because of the rubber that must not get in contact with any lubricants considering it is sensitive to information technology and may start to malfunction if it happens.

Instead you should ensure that the hop-up is every bit tight every bit possible on the barrel, yous are gratuitous to use tapes to ready this or you lot tin find another techniques that piece of work.

Larger Spring

You can consider upgrading the spring on your gun if yous want more FPS. More FPS does not always mean a amend gun and you lot demand to enquire yourself whether y'all actually need it. If your gun desperately needs more FPS, and so it tin support heavy Bulletin board system and so this is a nifty upgrade, otherwise not a necessary i.

This upgrade lone volition not make a big difference and should not be a priority, however if you lot have dealt with compression and hop up first, and then yous should consider furthermore upgrading it with a larger spring as well.

Big benefit of being able to use heavier Bbs will mean more resistance to wind and BBs volition travel with an ease, leading to improved accuracy on longer distances.

Tight bore Inner barrels

Inner barrels are oftentimes a cause of lack of accuracy, particularly when it is the instance with cheap ones from unknown brands. The most important criteria for choosing a proper inner butt is the quality of manufacturing, not the length.

The length alone does not mean much, as a thing of fact if the quality Is bad no length is going to save information technology and it tin merely get worse. The inner barrel needs to be smooth and without imperfections and this is something that practiced brands take care of.

Even a slightest imperfection at total 1% of barrel's trunk is enough to interruption the path of a BB and decrease the accuracy but this is non the case with high quality inner barrels.

The length does not hateful much when the quality is nowadays, then a 229 mm tight bore inner butt will perform very similarly to other high quality tight diameter inner barrels like the 450 mm 1.

It is recommended to choose 6.03 mm for AEGs, while snipers may benefit more from 6.01 mm, the optimal length would be 450 mm but every bit I mentioned it is not that important, however assure that the inner butt does not outreach the outer barrel or if information technology is a case then cover it with suppressors. The inner barrel must never exist exposed or it may get seriously damaged by dirt or other forces.

Polish the inner butt

The cheaper option is available, instead of replacing the inner barrel you lot may first try this out. Polishing volition hopefully remove those imperfections inside the butt and therefore you will have a smooth road for Bulletin board system. This is not always possible considering the quality of the inner barrel all the same means a lot but sometimes this can be enough and you lot will non know earlier you endeavour information technology out, information technology is uncomplicated and cheap.

Hop upward

Hop up is still the most important role of the gun when it comes to accuracy and it is its simply chore. Hop upwards does not accept to do annihilation with fps but without information technology no matters the velocity of your gun, information technology won't be accurate.

Knowing that hop up is and then of import because it creates the path for a BB by causing a magnus effect that spins the BB and thus making information technology wing at certain bending, nosotros must non but conform information technology, which is a very easy job but most chiefly the quality must be guaranteed.

This is an important upgrade if your current hop upwardly unit does not work as intended. To meet whether it works skilful or you need to upgrade it you will take to check some things out similar how well is it sealed? Are bucking, barrel and nub plumbing equipment in properly or not? Its interaction with the nozzle? How well does it feed the Bulletin board system?

If whatsoever of questions bother you considering you notice that something is not working properly, you will have to upgrade information technology.

I will be also adding a guide on Hop up mods and how to modify it, so you can make a further research on information technology because it is likewise correlated with accurateness simply besides deserves its own guide and can not be explained in a few sentences.


Sometimes a small upgrade like a better bucking may be that difference in accuracy that you are looking for. Every bit mentioned above the air must not leak and everything should exist sealed as much as possible, so a bucking is that silicon rubber sleeve over the cease of the barrel and if it does not fit properly they air may leak.

Do not forget heavy BBs

I mention this too often merely it is worth mentioning it considering this directly impacts the accuracy of guns and it is such a simple aligning. Non all guns can support heavy BBs simply some tin and in that case it is a must. If your gun does not have that FPS that Is required for some BB weights and then you tin upgrade information technology with mentioned stuff above to reach the higher FPS then offset using heavy BBs and see the comeback in accuracy.

If y'all desire to read more on choosing the best weight for Bulletin board system and whether your gun supports them, I have dedicated a mail service on this topic and you can discover it here.

Use scopes and sights

Information technology may sound unproblematic and has nothing to do with guns internals but do you utilise a telescopic?

Using a scope tin can mean a lot because aiming through iron sighs is harder for most people and in one case they install the telescopic, they come across big differences in consistency of their shoots.

This is due to their aiming skills and scopes aid yous upgrade your own aiming skills, just be sure that the gun is aligned with the scope considering otherwise, information technology will non serve you as intended.

Take a expect at some of my favorite scopes and sights for airsoft guns.

Conclusion on upgrades for accuracy and range

At that place you have it, the fundamentals should be taken with care first and and so yous should upgrade the rest if y'all still desire it. The mentioned stuff works not bad for increased accuracy and range and you tin can do it on your own ( in which case you should brand more than enquiry earlier yous starting time doing it, so you have a deeper understanding which part is what and what goes where) or you tin lend it to someone who is good at this.

In the future, I will be creating more guides that will show how certain upgrades are done in action, just every unmarried upgrade deserves its ain guide. In concurrently, y'all tin read almost upgrading the rate of fire and consider it as another upgrade in the future if your airsoft gun needs it. There are also more things that tin can be done for your gun and I shall mention them also in the future but this is the nearly important stuff that you should know about.

How to Change Barrels on Airsoft Gun

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